Saturday, December 29, 2012

Franny's Rants- Stuff

Okay..So this post is going to be pretty much a rant. I like going on rants, I am very good at them..haha. So here I go.

    I was on google+ the other day, and people kept posting about what they got for christmas. I couldn't help but think-- and I'm not usually the type of person that thinks like this--all these people are so obsessed with STUFF.  Everyone in the whole school is, everyone wants the next best thing to what they have. Got an iphone 4s? Well.. You're not cool anymore, because the iphone 5 is out. Got brand new shoes last week? Well, sorry to inform you, but those aren't exactly in fashion anymore. And it's almost like when people post these things, they are saying- " Ooh look guys! I've got this new ( enter popular item here) and so now I am cool!" I mean, I do it too, I tell people what I got and stuff..but I just don't much like the concept that in order to be popular, you have to have all sorts of STUFF.
     And the worst part of it is, some people actually get all of this new stuff. They get the new phone and the new gadgets and they are automatically cool, now people want to hang out with them. Why are people like this? Honestly? Can't we be friends with people for who they are, and not what they have?
    I don't have that much stuff, just this two year old netbook, an ipod nano, and my scratched up phone. But I can still find myself feeling lucky for the friends I have. And I don't have them because of their stuff.

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